How to Maximize Savings with Your New Solar System?

Solar panels offer both environmental benefits and substantial reductions in electricity bills. However, once the sun sets, your panels cease harnessing solar energy, and your energy consumption relies on the grid.

Fortunately, evenings without solar power don’t have to translate to increased expenses. 

Let us delve into different energy-efficient strategies to maximize the solar energy generated by your panels during the day and provide money-saving tips to minimize spending during the evening.

Use Solar Batteries to Save Generated Electricity

Solar batteries work by storing extra energy made by your solar panels so you can use it later. This way, you keep the energy in your home instead of sending it back to the grid.

When your solar panels make more electricity than you need right away, the extra energy goes into charging the battery. Then, when your panels aren’t making electricity, like at night, you can use the energy stored in your battery to power your home and appliances.

Normally, households with only solar panels use about 25% of the energy they make. But with a solar battery, you can use around 50 to 60% of the energy you make.

And, if you qualify, you can get help with the cost of a battery through an interest-free loan of up to $8,800.

Before you get a loan for a solar battery, think about how much energy you use and your money situation. That way, you can decide if getting a solar battery is the right choice for your home.

Maintain Your Solar System 

It’s a good idea to book a service for your solar system every two years with a licensed A-grade electrician to keep it working well. You can ask the company that installed your system to do this or find another expert in solar systems.

Also, it’s helpful to check your energy bill and inverter regularly to see how much energy your system is making or sending back. You can compare this to what you expect your system to do and what the weather’s like.

If you think your system isn’t working right, you can look at our tips for making it work better.

Consider a More Efficient Water Heating System

Heating water typically uses about 20% of the energy in households. But, by installing an energy-efficient system, you can cut down your energy costs by a lot.

Recently, hot water heat pumps have become the best choice for saving energy when heating water at home. They need less energy to get your water hot.

What’s great about these pumps is that if you have solar panels on your roof, they can use the power from your panels to work. This means even lower energy bills for you. Plus, if you qualify for the Solar Homes Program, you could save up to $2,400 when you install both solar panels and an energy-efficient hot water system.

When it’s time to get a new hot water system, think about getting one that saves energy. Look into hot water heat pumps to find the right system for your home and save as much energy as possible.

Hot Water Rebate

The hot water rebate, previously known as the solar hot water rebate, offers up to $1,000 on eligible heat pumps and hot water systems.

More Tips and Strategies

To reduce your electricity consumption, you can go through each room in your home and implement energy-saving measures. Here are some examples:

  • Install heavy curtains to regulate room temperatures effectively.
  • Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer only when they have full loads.
  • Set your water heater temperature to under 120 °F.
  • Limit the use of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
  • Switch to LED lighting.
  • Install low-flow faucets to conserve water.
  • Water your yard only when needed.
  • Keep your refrigerator three-quarters full to optimize energy efficiency.
  • Unplug appliances when they are not in use.

Maximize Daytime Power

Make the most of solar power by using it when the sun is shining. Start by running your heavy-duty appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine during the day. Modern appliances can be programmed to start their cycles automatically, even if you’re not home.

By using solar energy efficiently during the day, you can reduce or eliminate the need to buy electricity from your provider at night.

Peak and off-peak hours can vary depending on factors such as your location, the season, and your electricity provider. Typically, peak hours coincide with high electricity demand, while off-peak hours see lower demand.

Make the Switch to Electric!

In all-electric homes, electricity is the sole source for heating, cooling, cooking, and water heating needs.

Switching to an all-electric home enhances the efficiency of your rooftop solar system by using the energy from your panels to power your appliances during the day. Moreover, a solar battery can store extra energy for nighttime use.

When your gas-powered heater, hot water system, or cooktop nears the end of its lifespan, it’s a good opportunity to think about upgrading to electric options.

Saving With Solar: In A Nutshell

Two additional strategies for saving money are net metering and time-of-use plans. With net metering, you can return surplus energy produced by your panels to the utility company, earning credits on your electricity bill. Time-of-use plans offer lower rates if you adjust your energy usage to match peak and off-peak hours.

If you’re considering installing solar panels to reduce your electricity costs with renewable energy, reach out to our installers today.