Plastic Oceans Partnership

Who is Plastic Oceans?

Plastic Oceans International is a US-based 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose goal is to end plastic pollution and to foster sustainable communities worldwide. They operate with the belief that we can and must act locally in order to create change globally, and they do so through four key pillars of activity: Education, Activism, Advocacy and Science.

Through supportive programs aligned with our pillars, and driven by embracing the circular economy, their mission is to inspire and incite action that can lead to changes in consumer behavior, corporate practices and public policy. Collectively, these changes will lead to a reduction in plastic pollution, regenerative communities and a healthier planet for many years to come.


Plastic Oceans Facts

Plastic Oceans Partnership Infographic 1
Plastic Oceans Partnership Infographic 2
Plastic Oceans Partnership Infographic 3

Our Partnership

We are dedicated to environmentalism. 

Our mission is to change the way energy is produced, consumed and stored. We believe that energy production should be decentralized, deregulated, affordable and most importantly, renewable. We envision a future with zero fossil fuels and plan on reaching this through cutting edge solar and storage technologies. 

Through our work, we hope to help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint. However, we understand there are many other threats to our planet, such as plastic pollution in the oceans which have direct and deadly effects on marine wildlife and our climate. 

That is why we decided to partner with Plastic Oceans. A portion of our sales go directly to Plastic Oceans’ efforts in combatting plastic pollution around the globe!

When you choose to go solar with NRG Clean Power, you are choosing to support our environment!  

Go Solar Now & Help Save Our Oceans