Solar Panels

Advanced solar tech for the modern home

Capturing energy from the sun boils down to the material capable of converting light into electricity. Silicon serves as the semiconducting material most efficient at converting light. Although all solar panels are made from Silicon, there are a few different types of panels you need to be aware of.

 When deciding on the type of panel you want for your home, a few things should be considered.

Efficiency & Degradation

Before purchasing solar panels for your home or business, consider how your annual degradation rate and efficiency will affect you. Look at it this way. Every year, solar panels produce a smaller output of electricity than the year before. It’s a fact of life, solar panels degrade. In year one, you can look forward to 100% efficiency. However, every year after that will bring an estimated 0.8% degradation.

The first year brings an exception. Solar panels always lose between 1% – 3% of efficiency in the first year. After that, you can look forward to a lower degradation rate of 0.8% per year. For example, after 25 years of solar panel use, you can expect your panels to be about 75% – 80% efficient. Not bad for two decades of free electricity. Now let’s look at the types of panels that exist on the market.

Monocrystalline solar panels

The high-end option would be your monocrystalline panel. There are some distinct advantages to this variety of solar panels, including its modern appeal. Additionally, monocrystalline solar panels provide higher efficiency. 

It comes down to the more advanced design of the monocrystalline panel. Its single-crystalline construction allows the electrons to bounce around more rapidly. This effect relates to a greater output of energy production. As you would expect, monocrystalline solar panels are the most expensive options of all. Many individuals prefer this variety of panels because of the dynamic and sleek design it maintains. However, the next option might be more appealing to you also.

Polycrystalline solar panels

While not as efficient as their monocrystalline counterpart, polycrystalline solar panels do provide an advantage in the cost factor. The tremendously favorable cost makes it a widespread option for many people around the nation. You’ll notice a slight difference in the color when looking at polycrystalline compared agents monocrystalline solar panels. Monocrystalline solar panels maintain a sleek black appeal while polycrystalline panels are a distinct blue.

Because polycrystalline panels are produced at a lower cost than monocrystalline solar panels, they contain a multi-crystalline construction. The higher density crystalline structure slows down the moving of electrons, therefore producing less power output overall. However, the cost advantage is extremely attractive and the power production is considerably worth the investment.

What does all of this mean?

Now that we talked about the technical aspects of panels, how do you actually choose a panel for your home? There are many brands out there with varying efficiency and output.

What you need to look for is the overall system that will get you what you need, and that is electricity output. Does the system produce what you need it to produce and is the system reasonably priced.

There are brands many consider High end or Low end. While we do offer brands from each spectrum, keep in mind that at the end of the day, they all generate electricity for you to use and avoid paying high utility costs.

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