Navigating 2024 SCE Time-Of-Use Rates

As energy costs continue to fluctuate and the demand for electricity grows, understanding how to manage your energy consumption has become increasingly important. Southern California Edison (SCE), one of the largest utility companies in the United States, offers Time-Of-Use (TOU) rates to help homeowners better control their energy bills. In 2024, SCE’s TOU rate plans remain a significant part of this effort, allowing customers to save money by shifting their energy use to off-peak hours.

But how do these rates work, and how can homeowners take full advantage of them? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of SCE’s 2024 TOU rates, provide strategies for maximizing savings, and discuss how evolving technologies like solar energy and electric vehicles (EVs) can further enhance your energy management.

For a deeper dive into SCE’s upcoming rate changes, check out our detailed article on the SCE rate increase of 2024 and learn why it might be the perfect time to consider alternative energy options.

What Are Time-Of-Use (TOU) Rates?

Time-Of-Use (TOU) rates are a pricing model that charges different rates for electricity depending on the time of day. Under this system, the cost of electricity is higher during periods of high demand (peak hours) and lower during times when demand is low (off-peak and super-off-peak hours). This rate structure is designed to encourage consumers to use electricity more efficiently and spread their usage across the day, helping reduce strain on the grid during peak times.

In contrast to traditional flat-rate pricing, where consumers pay a consistent rate regardless of when they use electricity, TOU rates incentivize shifting energy usage to less expensive times. Here’s a quick comparison:

TOU RatesFlat-Rate Pricing
Rates vary based on the time of day.Rates are the same throughout the day.
Peak hours are more expensive.No distinction between peak and off-peak times.
Encourages shifting usage to off-peak.No financial incentive for shifting usage.

Benefits of TOU Rates:

  • Potential for savings: If you can shift most of your energy consumption to off-peak hours, you can save significantly on your electricity bill.
  • Grid efficiency: By reducing demand during peak hours, TOU rates help reduce the strain on the grid and can lead to a more stable and reliable energy system.
  • Environmental benefits: TOU rates encourage consumers to use energy when more renewable sources (like solar and wind) are available, helping to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Higher bills for peak-time users: If your household consumes a large amount of electricity during peak hours, your bill could increase under TOU rates compared to flat-rate pricing.
  • Complexity: TOU rates require more careful planning and monitoring of energy usage, which might be inconvenient for some households.

Overview of SCE’s 2024 TOU Rate Plans

SCE offers several Time-Of-Use plans, each tailored to different usage patterns and consumer needs. In 2024, the primary TOU rate plans include TOU-D-4-9PM, TOU-D-5-8PM, and TOU-D-PRIME. Let’s break them down:

PlanPeak HoursOff-Peak HoursSuper Off-Peak Hours
TOU-D-4-9PM4 PM – 9 PM9 PM – 8 AM8 AM – 4 PM (winter only)
TOU-D-5-8PM5 PM – 8 PM8 PM – 4 PM4 PM – 5 PM (winter only)
TOU-D-PRIME4 PM – 9 PM9 PM – 8 AM8 AM – 4 PM (winter only)

The difference between these plans lies in the specific peak hours and their rates. Here’s a more detailed look:

  • TOU-D-4-9PM: This plan is ideal for households that can shift energy usage to earlier or later parts of the day. Peak hours are from 4 PM to 9 PM, typically when many households are using the most electricity for cooking, heating, or running appliances.
  • TOU-D-5-8PM: This plan focuses on reducing demand during the highest consumption window (5 PM to 8 PM) and may benefit households that don’t use much energy during the early evening.
  • TOU-D-PRIME: Geared towards customers with electric vehicles or solar panels, this plan has the same peak hours as TOU-D-4-9PM but may come with added benefits for those using clean energy technologies.

Understanding Rate Structures

Each of SCE’s TOU plans has different pricing tiers for peak, off-peak, and super-off-peak hours. Typically, electricity is most expensive during peak hours when demand is highest (late afternoon to early evening). Off-peak hours, usually at night and early morning, offer lower rates, while super-off-peak hours—often during the middle of the day in winter months—have the lowest rates.

SCE’s rates also vary by season, with summer months (June through September) typically seeing higher rates overall due to increased air conditioning use. In winter (October through May), electricity demand is lower, and rates tend to decrease slightly.

Here’s an example of how rates might break down under the TOU-D-4-9PM plan:

SeasonPeak (4-9 PM)Off-Peak (9 PM – 8 AM)Super Off-Peak (8 AM – 4 PM)
Summer (June-Sept)$0.45/kWh$0.25/kWhN/A
Winter (Oct-May)$0.35/kWh$0.20/kWh$0.15/kWh

Seasonal Variations: The impact of seasonal changes on TOU rates means that, during the summer, managing energy consumption during peak hours becomes even more critical for controlling costs. Conversely, during the winter, super off-peak hours provide a unique opportunity for further savings.

How TOU Rates Affect Your Energy Bil

Your energy bill under a TOU plan can vary greatly depending on your usage habits. If your household can adjust its energy usage to off-peak or super off-peak times, you could see substantial savings compared to a flat-rate plan.

For example, a family that uses most of its energy in the morning and early afternoon could benefit from the super off-peak rates available in the winter. However, a household that uses a lot of electricity during peak hours, such as 5 PM to 9 PM, might end up with a higher bill.

Let’s look at a hypothetical scenario. Suppose a household uses the following amounts of electricity:

  • Peak hours: 8 kWh/day
  • Off-peak hours: 10 kWh/day
  • Super off-peak hours: 12 kWh/day (in winter only)

Using the TOU-D-4-9PM summer rate of $0.45/kWh for peak hours, $0.25/kWh for off-peak, and the winter rate of $0.15/kWh for super off-peak, the monthly cost might look like this:

Energy UseRateCost (per day)Monthly Cost (30 days)
Peak (8 kWh)$0.45/kWh$3.60$108.00
Off-Peak (10 kWh)$0.25/kWh$2.50$75.00
Super Off-Peak (12 kWh, winter only)$0.15/kWh$1.80$54.00 (for 30 winter days)

This example illustrates how adjusting your usage can significantly affect your bill, especially if you take advantage of lower rates during off-peak and super off-peak hours.

Strategies for Managing Energy Costs Under TOU Rates

Here are several strategies for lowering your energy costs under SCE’s TOU rate plans:

  1. Shift Energy Use to Off-Peak Hours: Whenever possible, try to run high-energy appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers during off-peak or super off-peak hours. For example, you could schedule your laundry or dishwashing cycles to run overnight when rates are lower.
  2. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances: Using energy-efficient appliances can significantly reduce the amount of electricity your household consumes, regardless of the time of day.
  3. Use Smart Thermostats: A smart thermostat allows you to adjust your heating and cooling based on time-of-use rates. For example, you can program your thermostat to run the air conditioning during off-peak hours to cool the house, then reduce usage during peak times.
  4. Monitor Your Energy Consumption: Regularly checking your energy usage through your SCE account or smart meters can help you identify peak consumption times and adjust your habits accordingly.

The Role of Solar Energy in Maximizing Savings

For homeowners with solar panels, TOU rates can offer additional savings opportunities. Solar energy systems generate power during the day, which can be stored or used immediately, depending on your energy needs.

Net Metering: If your solar system produces more electricity than your home needs during the day, the excess power is sent back to the grid, and you can receive credits on your energy bill. Under TOU rates, sending power to the grid during peak hours can be especially beneficial, as you’ll be credited at the higher peak rate.

For a detailed overview of SCE rate changes and why solar power is an excellent alternative, read our article on the SCE rate increase of 2024.

Battery Storage: By combining a solar system with battery storage, you can store excess energy generated during the day and use it during peak hours when rates are higher. This allows you to further reduce your reliance on the grid and maximize savings.

If you’re in another region, like New York, it’s also worth considering how Con Edison electric rates in 2024 may affect your energy costs.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) and TOU Rates

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) under a TOU plan can result in significant savings, especially if you charge your car during off-peak or super off-peak hours. Many EV owners opt for TOU plans specifically to take advantage of these lower rates, aligning their charging schedules with the most cost-effective times of day.

For instance, charging your EV overnight during off-peak hours (9 PM – 8 AM) can reduce your overall electricity costs, compared to charging during the more expensive peak periods. EV-specific plans, like SCE’s TOU-D-PRIME, are designed with this in mind.

Future Trends in Energy Pricing

As more renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, are integrated into the grid, energy pricing structures are likely to continue evolving. We can expect TOU rates to become more widespread and increasingly dynamic, adjusting in real-time based on grid demand and renewable energy availability.

Advancements in battery storage technology, both at the grid and household level, will likely make it easier for consumers to store cheap, off-peak energy for use during more expensive periods. As California continues its push toward cleaner energy, we may also see more incentives for homeowners to shift to renewable energy sources, potentially further reducing electricity costs.


Southern California Edison’s 2024 Time-Of-Use rates offer homeowners a powerful tool for managing their energy bills. By understanding the different rate structures, adjusting your energy habits, and taking advantage of technologies like solar energy and electric vehicles, you can maximize your savings while contributing to a more efficient and sustainable energy grid.

As energy costs continue to rise and the grid faces increasing pressure, smart energy management has never been more important. Take some time to assess your household’s energy habits and consider how SCE’s TOU rates can help you reduce costs and increase your home’s energy efficiency.