NRG Clean Power

Californian Based Home Solar Power System Buying Advice

If you want to save money every month on your power bill, solar panels are the way to go. Before you can enjoy the many advantages of solar panels, you must choose a solar system that is sufficient for your home’s electricity demands. You may find a variety of solar panel options, and we are going to help in the choice of the finest ones for your home.

Does solar thermal energy have more potential than photovoltaics?

buying advice

Household energy may be generated using solar photovoltaic panels. A solar thermal system cannot be installed until a storage tank is in place for the hot water. Most solar panels are made of silicon, which is why it’s so widely used by the best solar companies. Both may be used to harness the sun’s rays for renewable power production, but there are some key differences to keep in mind.


Due to their sleek black appearance, monocrystalline panels are often favored. They are more expensive than other options, but the top solar installers still favor them due to the efficiency gains they give. The blue polycrystalline panels are more cost-effective than the costlier monocrystalline panels, although they are still inefficient.

Making up of pressure

Power output, measured in watts, reveals how much energy can be produced by solar panels (W). Your home’s optimal power output is determined by your energy needs. The best solar panels companies will tell you this. Look at your most recent electric bill and tally up the total number of kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity used within a certain period (kWh).


The average daily use of a household ranges between 8.5 and 10 kWh, depending on the kind of residence and the number of people living there. On a sunny day, a 250 W solar array will generate 1,125 watt-hours (kWh). To provide enough energy for a normal home during the day, a solar photovoltaic (PV) system or solar array, made up of a number of solar panels, would need to be built.

Amount of glass panes

In general, solar arrays have 2-16 panels and provide 1-4 kilowatts of power. The appropriate number of solar panels will depend on the amount of solar power needed and the amount of roof space. Over the course of a year, the average home will get around 4.5 hours of daylight every day, with the amount fluctuating seasonally based on latitude. The next step is to calculate the typical daily energy output of a solar panel.


You may figure this out by multiplying the total quantity of sunshine received by the efficiency rating of the solar panel. All of your home’s electrical needs during daylight hours are assumed to be met by the solar panels in the estimations of the best solar company. If you just need a little amount of extra electricity, you may get by with fewer solar panels. Your most recent energy bill should provide your daily average power consumption, which you may use to generate a more accurate estimate.

Can you tell me how effective these are?

The efficiency of a solar panel is a measurement of how well it converts sunlight into useful electricity. Each panel has an efficiency rating shown as a percentage; the higher the rating, the more sunlight is captured by the panel. While the average efficiency of solar panels is about 20%, it may reach as high as 25% in exceptional cases.

Authored by Ryan Douglas

Authored by Ryan Douglas

NRG Clean Power's resident writer and solar enthusiast, Ryan Douglas covers all things related to the clean energy industry.