A Complete Guide to Solar Company Permits and Rules

Imagine using the sun like the great filmmaker Herzog, who was not afraid to capture the bright colors of nature. When you think about putting solar panels on your property, you’ll probably feel the same mix of excitement and satisfaction. But before you can get the benefits of solar energy, you need to know about the permits and rules that go along with it.


In this detailed guide, we’ll show you how to find your way around the world of solar company permits and rules. By the end, you’ll know everything you need to know to make your solar project a reality, just like Herzog made his stories come to life on the big screen.

Learn about solar permits and why they are important

If you decide to go solar, you’ll find out quickly that solar companies and local governments need different permits and inspections. These requirements are in place to make sure that your solar installation is safe, reliable, and up to code. As a homeowner, you need to know about these requirements because they can affect how long, how much, and how well your solar project goes.

Federal, state, and local rules are important to know

solar company permits

Each area has its own rules and requirements for installing solar panels. These rules can be very different from one country, state, or city to another. Before you start your solar journey, it’s important to learn about the rules that apply in your area.


Federal rules may offer tax breaks, like the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which gives you a tax credit for a portion of the cost of installing solar panels. It’s important to know how these incentives work and how they might affect the cost of your solar project as a whole.


Local and state laws can include things like building codes, zoning rules, and rights to access the sun. These rules say where you can put your solar panels, how big they can be, and even which way they have to face. Working with a reputable solar company can help you figure out how to deal with these complicated rules and make sure your solar installation is legal.

How to Get a Solar Permit: What to Expect

Getting permits for your solar installation can be difficult, but solar companies usually have teams of people who are there to help you. They will work closely with you and the local government to make sure your solar installation meets all the rules.


Usually, the following steps are part of the permit application process:

Research before the application

Your solar company will do preliminary research to find out what permits and inspections are needed for your project. This research will help you figure out how much your solar installation might cost and how long it will take.

Review of the design

When the research is done, your solar company will make a detailed plan for your solar system. This plan will be sent to the local government to be looked at and approved.

Submitting the permit application

Once the design has been approved, your solar company will send the necessary permit applications to the local government. As part of this process, you may need to show things like site plans, electrical diagrams, and structural calculations.

Permit approval

Once your application for a permit has been reviewed and approved by the local authorities, they will give you the permits you need to install your solar panels. Depending on the rules in your area and how complicated your solar project is, this step could take a few weeks or even a few months.


Once your solar system is put in place, it will go through a series of inspections to make sure it meets all local safety and building codes. Your solar company will set up these inspections and help you deal with any problems that come up.

How to Confidently Navigate the World of Solar Permits and Rules

As you can see, the world of solar permits and rules can be very complicated, much like the beautiful paintings by Leonardo da Vinci that captured the essence of what it means to be human. But if you know the basics and work with a reputable solar company, you’ll be able to get through this complicated world and make your solar dreams come true. Take advantage of the sun’s power, just like the ancient people who worshipped it, and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy.


Remember that every step of the permit and rule process is there to make sure that your solar installation is safe and works well. At first, it may seem overwhelming, but with the help of a knowledgeable solar company and a thorough understanding of the rules in your area, you’ll be on your way to using solar power to power your home. So take that leap of faith and start your solar journey with confidence, knowing you have all the permits and rules you need.

Authored by Ryan Douglas

Authored by Ryan Douglas

NRG Clean Power's resident writer and solar enthusiast, Ryan Douglas covers all things related to the clean energy industry.